Sunday, September 18, 2011

LAD #3: Declaration of Indedendence

1) The Democratic Principles Section of the Declaration of Independence states that the government obtains and grasps its power from the governed.  The reason the government exists is to comply to the wants and needs of the people.  Its sole purpose is to make the majority happy.  If the "unalienable rights" of the people (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) are infringed upon, or taken away, the people have the right to overthrow such a government, and abolish its rule.  Since, this is exactly what the King of England is doing to the colonies, it legitimizes their cause for revolt.

2) The List of Grievances gives multiple examples of the "usurpation" and tyranny that the King of England showed towards the colonists and further exemplifies their reason for rebellion.  Prime examples are his refusal to cooperate with colonial officials and dissolving the representative houses that made up the government.  He stripped them of almost all of their human, civil rights, and remained oblivious to all of their laws.  He "plundered [their] seas, ravaged [their] coasts, burned [their] towns, and destroyed the lives of [their] people." 

3) The conclusion of the Declaration of Independence states that the colonies are removing themselves from British control.  The colonists warned the British that they were unhappy.  They warned Parliament that their human rights were being taken away.  They warned the King that they would rebel.  Since no one listened the colonists have no other option than to secede from the British Union.  They will form their "free independent states" that have dissolved all ties to the Britain and its empire; having a fresh start.  It simply declares war and independence from Britain as one unified and strengthened nation.

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