Monday, November 14, 2011

LAD#11: Seneca Falls Declaration

The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions is a fantastic example for claims to one's civil liberties and rights in respect to the public.  Modeled after America's prized document -- The Declaration of Independence -- the Seneca Falls Declaration shows the desire for equal and inalienable rights in both men and women.  The document then follows suit with the Declaration and goes on to explain that the government is supposed to protect and enforce these equal liberties and rule in the consent of the governed.  However, according to the Seneca Falls Convention, history has shown that government has not been able to illustrate this belief for equality; women have always been subordinate to men.  Furthermore, a list of grievances is listed that explains the 'tyrannical' and sexist acts of men towards women, such as: denial of suffrage, denial of property and wages, prevention of a high education, creating a different moral code for men and women, etc.  Yet, the document ends on a high note, explaining resolutions that would gain women a balance in the equality of men, further asserting their civil rights to that of a man that have been unjustly taken away.

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